Saturday, June 27, 2009


How did we spend the 4th?  A week in UT.  Our drive... 10 hours.  We didn't pull in until 3am.  Crazy, I know.  But, Mike was insistent on Aidan's attendance to his first friend birthday party.  
July in UT... usually HOT!  But like Spokane this year, UT weather was slightly cooler.  We averaged 88 degrees... it couldn't have been more perfect.  We had great weather that allowed us to enjoy time with family in all our festivities.  

My Grandma Hyer was lucky enough to have all her children in town.  So we started off our vacay with a family picture at the park.  Unfortunately we did miss a couple of cousins, but otherwise it was an impressive group.  My grandma, of course, had us all dressed festive for the 4th in red, white, and blue.  I did snap a quick picture of Jack teaching my grandpa "rocks".  

We spent the evening with Chris and Katy (Mike's brother)... without kids OR paid babysitting. (Truly a treat for us.)  Not to take advantage but grandparents, besides all the other wonderful things they are, make great free entertainment for the kids.  Luckily, grandparents enjoy that sort of "charity".  So... many thanks.  

We went to the opening weekend of Transformers, mostly because Mike and Chris had been completely anticipating the movie.  This anticipation included daily phone calls to each other regarding said movie for the past several weeks.  Although completely entertaining, the movie did have some unnecessary adult content, which I think it would have been better without.  And thanks to the Autobot vs. Decepticon action, the brothers agreed the action in the sequel was better than the first.   

So concludes our first day in UT.  One thing I have to say is, I love staying up just talking with Liz and Gary.  This usually follows with a late night movie that only Gary and Mike can make it through... but Liz and I always put forth a good effort.  I think it just goes to show who chases the kids around more... :)


Bethany said...

I wanted to see a picture of Jack during the fireworks- I hear he loved them!

jessica said...
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jessica said...

We missed you guys, but we understand that family comes first. So did Mike bring his transformers to the movie?

Katy said...

We have some nerdy husbands;) I'm glad they are so close. It was so fun to have you visit.

Elise said...

I'm glad you guys made it safely! We've been missing you guys a really really lot!!! Chris actually mapped out the route to Spokane... maybe next summer??? Hope the rest of your visit is all roses!
