this is our jack... also known as: jackers, jackie, jack-jack, and sprat
this new 3 yr. old is full of energy, has the greatest smile and laugh, is silly, will say the craziest things in order to be funny, loves to jump and do tricks while making "blast off" sounds, he is sweet and "snuggly" (especially after naps), loves snacks and having his back tickled
at age 3 he likes: dinos, volcanoes, space and aliens (so for his birthday, we went to Hill Aerospace Museum)

jack is good at riding a tricycle and attempting independence. he's most independent in picking out what to wear and dressing himself. So, sometimes he's inside out, backwards, mismatching, or wrong footed.
in vocabulary: D's are replaced with G's. Delicious is... go-licious (said with emphasis) Banana.... gonana

Wants to be: like his brother, an astronaut, Wyatt from "Super Why"