Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lost & Found

It's unexplainable.  We have always been prepared for any imaginable series of events... with what you could call an-over-the top, cushy amount of pacifiers.  8 to be exact, I know how embarrassing that is.  But, Jack has always taken to them.  And life for him seems, well, more "relaxed".  But, for the past couple of weeks I have found myself SEARCHING for those little things before leaving house, before naps, and at bedtime.  I had H.A.D. enough of it.  So... I went on a paci search.  I checked under couches,  beds, cribs, furniture, and cars.  I checked old diaper bags and any jacket with pockets.  What did I come up with?  2!  (Technically 3, counting the one left with friends)   I couldn't understand how this was possible.  Yes, I know my toddler is walking now, exploring, and taking things apart to find new places to hide them.  But honestly... 2?   Maybe it's to hint to me as a parent that I should limit paci(s) to sleeping time... BUT I just don't think Jack's ready... I know I'm certainly not.  So for now, the paci search will just have to continue. 


jessica said...

I'm bringing the green one to church tomorrow. And I will go check down in the basement. Maybe he left one in the port a crib. I remember looking under Maya's bed in the middle of the night for her paci...but it is still better than the thumb! They never lose it and it's not like you can throw a thumb in the trash when they are FIVE!

Katy said...

It's crazy how those things can disappear. Good luck finding them!

Michelle said...

I hate that!! We have the same problem with sippy cups, and they are big!! I don't understand what happens to things???

Ilene said...

I'm missing 3 around here. Let me know if you find a couple of pink ones and one encrusted in rhinestones (oh, I am SICK about the rhinestone pacifier. I paid a lot of money for that blingkie).