Thursday, June 26, 2008


Tonight Mike and I went to see Jerry Seinfeld with our good friends the Albrechts.  You could even say that Mike and Aric are enough like brothers that they share the same interests.  Tonight, it happened to be with fashion, although they say their dressing like twins was an "accident":)   So I had to take a pic.  And can anyone tell me why two men can't pose "normally" for a picture?    

So Mike and I are BIG "Seinfeld" fans, of the TV show that is.  This is our second time seeing Jerry Seinfeld in stand up comedy.  Each time has been great, maybe it's because we relate to him through his TV show, maybe not.  He's a completely funny comedian and we laughed so hard we cried.  It's was nice to enjoy the evening with friends, who also get the inside jokes of "Seinfeld."  

3 comments: said...

What a good-looking foursome. I am glad that you guys had a good time going out with each other. Have a great 4th of July.


jessica said...

You guys are some serious good company. Thanks for the fun times!

Meghann said...

We're Seinfeld addicts too. We saw him a few years ago and LOVED it. My cheeks were sore from laughing so hard.